General Server (Low Risk)
Data and systems are classified as Low Risk if they are not considered to be Moderate or High Risk, and:
- Servers used for research computing purposes without involving Moderate or High risk data
- File server used to store published public data
- Database server containing Rice UIDs only
Sensitive Server (Moderate Risk)
Data and systems are classified as Moderate Risk if they are not considered to be High Risk, and:
- Servers handling Moderate Risk Data
- Database of non-public University contracts
- File server containing non-public procedures/documentation
- Server storing student records
Confidential and Regulated Server (High Risk)
Data and systems are classified as High Risk if:
- Servers handling High Risk Data
- Servers managing access to other systems
- University IT and departmental email systems
- Active Directory / LDAP Directory
- Person Registry
- ERP and Student Systems