Student Alert: Job Email Scams

Warning about recent phishing campaigns targeting students regarding job opportunities

Scam Alert message on laptop

Warning: there are ongoing attacks that attempt to steal private information from students. The messages have subjects like “SURVEY ASSISTANT,” “STUDENT RESEARCH PROGRAM,” or other similar subjects, and use a address that appears to come from someone at Rice. 

This message is a scam and should be deleted. 

If you acted upon the message, please report it to the OIT Help Desk at 713-348-HELP or

Please remain vigilant and be skeptical of unusual emails. If you receive an email that you have questions about, please report it to the OIT Help Desk. Read more about how to recognize scams in our KnowledgeBase:


See also:

Check out the Phish Bowl – on this web page, you can read some recent email scams and tips for spotting fake email messages so you can protect yourself and the university from scammers. And be sure to explore the rest of the Information Security Office's web site for more information on precautions to take to protect campus digital data. Protecting the privacy and security of institutional data is the responsibility of everyone in the Rice community. See also University Policy 808, Protection of University Data and Information

